Maike Gold
Grammatik einer Industrielandschaft – Spekulatives Magdeburg in Figur und Struktur
Magdeburg 2020

This thesis researches the spatial relationship of manufacturing and industry in the city of Magde- burg. Considering these urban physical spaces and social realities of production and industry as future resources, this thesis speculates on an architectural grammar that might become relevant with necessary shifts to models of circular economies, shifting labor markets, and technological changes. Despite the mostly rational forms of buildings and infrastructure, this research seeks to reimagine the role of industry in our cities. Furthering the return of industry and manufacturing to the core of the city, can we imagine how the scale of traffic in frastructure, landscape, and industrial premises might spatially intersect? What morphologies do we find in these local zones determined largely by industrial and infrastructural demands? What do they look like and how are they distinctive for the image of the city? The medium of architectural notation—maps, floor plans, and elevations— circles around these questions in search of a local “idiom,” or identity. Its fragmentary answers as building blocks, landscape and infrastructure elements are then assembled into speculative tableaus which elucidate architecture’s role in mediating the tensions between morphology and use. As the tableaus explore the relationship between architecture and the city, what started as a personal collection of places designed and designated for the production and storage of goods is continuously extended through material forms that allow for the possibility of exchange over space, through places for movement and recreation, for producing and furthering knowledge—thus transcending the former individual objects and having them intersect in Magdeburg’s landscape, in its infrastructure and poetics.

Graz Architecture Diploma Awards 2021

@counterintuitive_typologies #germany #saxonyanhalt #magdeburg #portcity #industry #placesofproduction #speculation #mapping #drawing #infrastructure #landscapeurbanism #industrialurbanism

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