Master’s thesis
Bernhard H. Ogrisek
Das Infra-Gewöhnliche – Alltagsfragmente des Grazer Umlands 
TU Graz, 2022

The infra-ordinary. Fragments of the everyday life in the outskirts of Graz 

The suburban territory is continuously growing. On the edge of the multilayered but clearly defined and comprehensible urban space, the sprawl thrives and proliferates in a complex confusion that is almost impossible to disentangle. Apparently, this space has no identity, no expression, no relevance worthy of exploration. The everyday life resembles a matter of self-evidence, manifested in the midst of anonymous functional buildings, infrastructures, industrial sites, commercial rows and housing estates. Can quality and identity-forming architecture exist within this aesthetically deficient, featureless, ordinary space? How can such areas be conceived in the future?

The emphasis of this thesis is the formulation of a philosophy of everyday observation as well as the concentrated perception of an architectural reality in all its detailed depth. The spatial monotony of the suburban landscape of the Rein- and Gratwein-Gratkorn Basin is investigated by means of observation walks. The perception is followed by an awareness and recognition of the endotic, infra-ordinary, which eludes any attention, on the basis of its complete self-evidence, within the ordinary, everyday, known, domestic space. Infrastructures as endotic memory fragments form the substructure, the site-immanent supporting skeleton of the spatial agglomeration. The unnoticed, overlooked structural forms are analyzed and questioned through the abstract artistic-scientific gaze of the drawing. The questioning seeks an origin, a present, a future and transformation of this fragments and the situated structural reality.

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