Solarenergie Urban & IEA Task 41
Research Projects funded by FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Various Articles published
Andreas Lechner et. al: ,Herausforderungen der architektonischen Integration von Solartechnologien‘, in: Erneuerbare Energie, 1 (2013), pp. 28–31.Research Projects funded by FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Various Articles published

Andreas Lechner: ,Solar Energy in the City – Analysis and Evaluation of Economic, Energy and Architectural Quality in Urban Solar Energy Buildings‘, in: GAM. Achitecture Magazine, 10 (2012), Vienna/New York: Springer 2012, pp. 313-314.
,Visualizing Architectural Qualities in Solarthermal Integration‘, presentation at IEA SHC Task 41 Solar Energy and Architecture, 6th Task meeting, Melbourne September 26 2011.
Article (peer reviewed)
Maria Amtmann, Andreas Lechner et al.: ,Analyse und Bewertung der energetischen, ökonomischen und architektonischen Qualität urbaner Solararchitektur‘, in: Wettbewerbe, 297/298 (2011), pp. 12–15.
Article (peer reviewed)
Thomas Mach, Andreas Lechner et al.: ,Aktive solarthermische Systeme in der Sanierung‘, in: Proceedings 21. Thermische Solarenergie 2011, pp. 266–267.
Attemsgasse 11
8010 Graz, Austria

Staatlich befugter und beeideter Ziviltechniker
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