Conversion & Extension of an Interwar Building in Gratkorn
Greater Graz, AT (2020-23)  

The building responds to the heterogeneous building structure of the community by combining a patchwork of local material and surface structures to form a striking, deliberately additive and multi-part building conglomerate. As an addition to an interwar corner building – located behind the existing street line –, a new building corner becomes the central architectural element. It functions as a pars pro toto - the design's thematization of the corner culminates as the intersection of the two floors in two colors and their different geometries, surface and façade elements … The project is a conversion and extension of a commercial and residential building from the interwar period and builds on these existing buildings in the municipality, creating a sense of identity by responding to and furthering this typical building structure in terms of design and dialogue. The project revitalizes the run-down central intersection with high-quality design, gastronomy, retail and services. As the corner building on the central street axis, it provides the prelude for the public squares and facilities such as schools and the municipality building further up on this street. The project creates an identity-forming meeting point with a public character at the intersection of the two main traffic arteries in this industrial community and thus provides a central alternative to the "third places" in the countless strip malls, petrol stations and retail parks projects in the car-dominated periphery of the north of Graz.

Attemsgasse 11
8010 Graz

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