︎︎︎ Master’s Theses ︎︎︎ Research ︎︎︎ Design Studios                                     

Tobias Hirtler:
Transformation of urban industrial premises,
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2024
Double Degree: Politecnico di Milano

Matthias Guger:
Transformation of urban industrial premises,
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2024
Elisabeth Albrecht-Krenn:
A Burnout Clinic in Southern Styria
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2024

Valentin Moser:
Die Summe einzelner Teile, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023

︎GAD Award 2023

Dennis Baumgartner:
Simple et radical, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023

Virginia Capone:
Building on the Built - A view on Typological Affordances,
Master’s thesis TU Graz / Politecnico di Milano 2023 (Double Degree)

Paula Möller:
(Un)Ordnung – Periphere Räume in Transformation,
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023

Katharina Huber:
Unter einem Dach – Tradition und Weiterentwicklung,
Master’s thesis TU Graz, 2023 
Bernhard Ogrisek:
Das Infra-Gewöhnliche – Alltagsfragmente des Grazer Umlands,
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2022

Anna Lena Granitzer:
Knappenhaus im Drautal, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2022
Michael Karnutsch:
Wohn- und Freizeitpark Grenzgasse, Masterthesis TU Graz 2022

︎GAD Award 2022

Zerina Dzubur:
Der Spanische Platz in Mostar, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2022 

Caroline Schmidhofer: 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2022 (Double Degree Politecnico di Milano)

Thomas Rogl: 
Kongresszentrum Bad Gastein, Masterthesis TU Graz 2022  

Matthias Johannes Holzner: 
Club Caracalla,

Masterthesis TU Graz 2021
Sebastian Reiter: 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2021

Bettina Jenner: 
B[r]aukunst – Eine Brauerei im Mühlviertler Bauernhof, Masterthesis TU Graz 2021
Maike Gold:
Grammatik einer Industrielandschaft, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

︎ GAD Awards 2021

Ajna Babahmetović: 
Houses at Home. Architecture of Displacement, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

Markus Pöll: 
Stadtquartier Jakominiplatz, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

Jakob Zöbl:
Palimpsest, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 2020


Anna Müller:
Ein Hotel im Wandel, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020


Sabrina Kraßnig:
Nach dem Film - Ein Weiterdenken im Kinoquartier St. Ruprecht, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020


Katharina Toplitsch: 
365 Tage Klopeiner See,  Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020
Katharina Scharler:
Baden am Bodensee, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020
Anna-Lena Proksch:
hortus patens
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020


Georg Scherrer:
Forum Schiffslände, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020


Johann Quechenberger:
Bauen in der Mitte - Ersatzneubauten im Dorfzentrum von Bad Vigaun, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2019


Andrea Pekovic:
Centraal Beheer Reloaded, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2019
Stefan Weirauch:
Sportcampus Rosenhain, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2019

Stefan Hutterer:
Konversion oder Ersatzneubau Telekom-Tower Graz, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018


Valentina Lovric:
Mississippi. The Townhouse as a Public Space in the Historic City Centre of Salzburg, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018

Stefan Wrana:
Hospital Ennstal Styria. Architecture for health and well-being, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018

Therese Eberl:
TSY – Urban Sprawl in Melbourne, Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018


Antun Jankovic:
Perpetual Peace. An architectural sketchMaster’s thesis TU Graz 2018


Agnes Nagler: 
The presence of the past – development of Döllersheim memorial, 
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018

Caroline Leixner:
Seefort Mamula – Observing & staging a historic island fortress in Montenegro, 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2018

Teresa Weigel:
Milk and honey – A leisure environment at Edersee, 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2018
Stefan Perperschlager:
Guilt and innocence – Learning from a Biedermeier house in Braunau,
Masterthesis TU Graz 2018

Ena Kukić:
Kenopsia - Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum, 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 18

︎Finalist Archiprix Hunter Douglas Award 2019

Rebekka Hirschberg:
YYZ HKG. A Tale of Two Cities, Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

︎ Vimeo
Lisa Marie Hafner:
Hong Kong Twin Factory. A Memory Lesson in Architecture, Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

Matthias Wild:
Factory for Collective Dwelling Matthias Wild, Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

Helena Beljan & Nikola Jankovic:
Fiat Claustrum. A monastery for the Anachorets in Split, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Vedran Zonic:
Sveucilisna Bolnica Zagreb – reconstruction, extension and conversion of a hospital ruin from 1980, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Morana Mazuran:
Large form Novi Zagreb. A model for a new collectivity, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Christoph W. Pirker:
Analogue landscape. Approaches to the lost space of the indefinite, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2015

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 2016

Tobias Gruber:
Naš Dom – Parliament building for Bosnia & Herzegovina, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2015

︎GAD Awards 2015

Simon Oberhofer:
Another Istanbul, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2014

Herwig Baumgartner:
On architectures of a past future - New perspectives in unrealized architectural projects with digital  visualization, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2014

Nadia Degasperi:
Building From Ruins – Transforming the listed Grand Hotel ruin ‘Wildbad Innichen’, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2014

Adina Camhy:
Remnants of an Absence - Remembrances overlapped: Approaching the site of former concentration camp Loibl/Ljubelj North, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2014

Alexandra Isele:
Townhouses Eisenerz, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2013

Sarina Abraham:
re:design:block: Graz St. Peter perimeter, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2012
Christoph Simschitz:
H53 High-density housing, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2012
Sebastian Jenull & Sandra Tantscher: Dietrichs-Quartier – Transformation of a perimeter block, Diplomarbeit 
TU Graz 2012

Lukas Boß: #wip
See-Stadt-Bahn – Ein Stadtentrée für Radolfzell
Amanda Soldo:
Grad Javornik #wip
Thomas Biela: #wip

Attemsgasse 11
8010 Graz

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